Sleep Better With Tinnitus: Hearing Aids for Tinnitus & Other Strategies to Improve Rest

The constant sounds that tinnitus sufferers endure impact every part of life – but perhaps none more than sleep. Even if you have hearing aids for tinnitus, you may find that it seems to get worse when it’s time to get some shuteye. It’s not just your imagination playing tricks on you, either. Many people with acute or chronic tinnitus struggle to fall and remain asleep.

Not getting enough sleep has a knock-on effect on just about everything. It’s one of the most vital body processes, affecting your brain performance, mood, and overall health. So what is a tinnitus sufferer to do? In order to adopt effective strategies for improving your sleep, you must understand why and how it is being affected.

How Does Tinnitus Affect Sleep?

Since tinnitus is the experience of sounds without an external source, it’s easy to see how it can interfere with falling asleep. At night, as we wind down and get into bed, the world becomes a lot quieter than usual. This means there’s less ambient sound to mask the tinnitus noises, whether ringing, buzzing, clicking, or something else entirely. That’s not exactly conducive to a good night’s rest.

Knowing that this will happen can become a source of stress. This can become a barrier to sleep in and of itself. A feeling of dread might start to become associated with your bedtime routine, making it even more difficult to find the calm and ease needed to drift off. It can also reduce the quality of your sleep when it arrives. 

One can easily fall into a vicious cycle, where your tiredness, stress, and anxiety make your tinnitus worse. This disturbs your sleep even more, making you feel even more tired, stressed, and anxious. Fortunately, there are ways out of the loop. With the help of an audiologist or hearing aid specialist, you can build better sleep habits that leave you feeling rested and ready to tackle whatever life sends your way.

Top Tips for Better Sleep

#1 Curate Your Sleep Environment

Creating the right environment can really make a big difference to your sleep. Everything from the amount of light in your room to the ambient noise level can contribute to a good night-time experience. Experiment with some changes and see what works for you. A little low music set to turn off once you’re asleep works well for some, while a white-noise machine or calming sounds work wonders for others.

#2 Make Lifestyle Adjustments

Your diet and level of daily exercise can affect how much sleep you get – and how quickly you get it. Caffeine is generally something to watch out for. Try to keep tea and coffee drinking to the early hours, and switch to something decaf at least eight hours before bed. Herbal teas like chamomile are known to aid sleep, so there’s more than one reason to cut out the after-dinner cappuccino. Alcohol consumption also affects sleep and may even trigger your tinnitus, so cut down there, too.

Good sleep hygiene is helpful for anyone trying to build a good night routine, but it is especially crucial for those who already have trouble getting their head down. Stay away from screens and blue light for about 90 minutes before bedtime, and try not to eat anything for at least four hours before you get into bed. Tinnitus sufferers often find a mindfulness practice helpful even in the waking hours, and this technique can be used to get some rest, too.

#3 Work With Your Hearing Healthcare Provider

If you have a diagnosis, you’ve already connected with an audiologist or ENT (ear, nose, and throat doctor). Hearing care specialists aren’t only here to tell you what’s wrong – they can also work with you to manage your hearing and tinnitus. This includes giving you access to tools and therapies you can’t get on your own. There’s only so much a meditation can do; sometimes, you need the extra support of a hearing aid device.

A hearing aid specialist can guide you in finding the best hearing aids for tinnitus. If you work with the best, they’ll match you to the right one for your hearing health, lifestyle, and budget. These devices help you to manage your symptoms during the day. In addition to helping you focus on external noise and less on tinnitus sounds, some hearing aids offer tinnitus masking. This not only enables you to get on with life without distraction but also helps reduce your general stress levels, which contributes to better sleep.

Take Control of Your Sleep With Help From HearWell Services

The effects of a single bad night’s sleep can radiate out for days. It’s no secret that getting your eight hours in is essential for general wellbeing – and having tinnitus doesn’t have to get in the way of that. With the proper support, a mindful attitude, and the right lifestyle adjustments, you can create space for yourself to fall asleep with ease. Everyone’s experience is unique, so you may need to try different approaches and combinations of tactics until you find what works for you. Try to be patient with yourself.

When you’re looking for a tinnitus hearing aid for sleep, look no further than HearWell Services. Our team will walk you through our curated range of hearing aids, helping you pick the perfect match. Get in touch with any questions you might have or schedule a consultation appointment with our specialists to get your own hearing aids for tinnitus – and the peace of mind for a good night’s sleep.